
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Queen Amidala's Celebration Parade Gown Headdress

Here is a picture of the final head ornament I finished for the Episode I Queen's Parade Gown.


  1. Wow that is gorgeous!! i've been looking at your blog, i LOVE your Padme costumes!!! So like which ones are hardest and easiest to make??

  2. Thank you! The hardest one by far was the Red Invasion. Easiest is probably Ewok Leia. I used sew on rhinestones and wired them together with 20G wire.

  3. I've been studying the fundamentals and gathering the best sources to create this gown.And the most particular item on the Padme Amidala victory rose pedal gown is the head piece. How on earth did you make it. LUV details =)

  4. Is this for sale anywhere? I need to find this whole look for Halloween party and I don't sew.
